Monday, November 15, 2010

"Strange Days on Planet Earth"

Part 4
earth water that have plants and fish will die because there is to much co2
because of to many cars and because of the krill are dieing because the water is
getting to hot for them.There was this man that did an experiment to crabs to see if there heart rate wold go faster and see if they will survive to the Chane but they don't they die if there temeture of the water in creases and makes them die.There a lady that lives by the Caribbean and all of the kid that live there mosly have Assamand she what to figure out why there are lot of them that have Asama.
In Nigeria there is a lake called Lake Chad and now there is nothing left
just lots of dirt and more and more of that dirt is getting blown over hear to
the united state and if that happens are lakes might be dried up to.The lady found out how the get Asama and their dirt is more dirty re and kills some of the sea life
in the ocean and cause assai to most of the children and there is a dirt that cause
lots of ocean plant to die.There dirt is also making lot of deaths.Also earths temeture is causing the earths ocean to increase the waters tempeture.

Part 5 predators

A man how works try to save lot of animals because in a few weeks the will die so the man try to help them because the strive to death and have to die so he try to help them.This man try to help plant survive the place is called lake guriiy in Venezuela.Leaf cut ant are destroy some of the plants life to survie in this place.
Some sincentis are trying to figure out hoew to solve this problem.Yellow stone national park is that the problem is that most of the trees are being desepire.
In yellow stone the ranger are puting wolfs back because to the wild.

lots of xcoral reefs are being destroed by algiand if te do the will be no more of the

fish so that why some people are doing something about it and that the do natrul reservies

part 6

In places there are frogs that are being destroyed and that they are also the ones that are are starting to meet there mach and that is why ythe are trying to figure out why the do have organs of a female and are alos having eggs in there testes

and now we most fight to use pesticied .There this man did a resech on the frogs and no if we fight the pestised and figure outho the work in the water.In this mans lake there is a chemical called mercuery and that are posienig the fish in this man

lake so he whant to find out how out how he cuold stop the chemical from the lake.In this uther place this man what to grow sugar cane plant but he cant unless

he put pestesieds put now he put the sugar cane out the he replace them with

trees and plants.

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